If you're thinking about ordering a commission, please be aware that my lead time is always at least a few months, so you really need to plan ahead and get in touch early, especially if you have a deadline in mind. I close my books to new orders periodically, just to keep the waiting time down. If my books are closed at the time you get in touch, I can add your name to my waiting list and will inform you as soon as the situation changes.


A deposit of £50 secures your place in my diary, then the balance is payable when the portrait is finished and you're happy with it. Before I accept your deposit I need to know whether you have suitable photos for me to work from. Choosing the right photo is very important and determines how much detail is in the finished result. You have to remember that a picture that looks just about ok on a phone screen will not look so defined blown up to A4 size or bigger, so it's best to zoom in and check.


Natural light is best but not essential- some of my favourite pieces have been under artificial light, but please don't use the flash. I realise it's not always possible to get the perfect reference material- sometimes I can enhance a photo to sharpen things up a bit and adjust the colour if needed, and sometimes it doesn't need to be as detailed depending on the size and scale of the drawing.


In the example below I enhanced the detail and corrected the washed out colours to give myself something perfect to work with. Once I know we have suitable photos we can decide on the size, how many subjects, and whether a background might be needed. This all determines the final price and allows me to plan my schedule.


About two weeks before I'm due to start your commission I will get in touch so we can confirm paper colour, and layout in the case of multiple portraits. Then once started I send regular updates of my progress. This reassures us both that I'm heading in the right direction, and that any minor adjustments required can be made along the way.


It is always an exciting time for me, as well as my customer, as I have never lost the sense of magic I get from watching every piece come alive on the paper. When I've finished, just to be sure, I like to hang onto it for a day or two in case I notice anything I've missed. Then it will be securely packaged and sent either by special delivery in the UK, or for overseas customers, by courier or Royal Mail Airmail.

Example of

Poor Reference Photo

Example of

Good Reference Photo

Comparison of Photo to Drawing